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Things to Consider When Selecting a Pressure Washing Company

Things to Consider When Selecting a Pressure Washing Company

Your home goes through a lot, and just like a car, your home gets dirty. Rain, snow, ice, wind, mud, the list goes on and on. When it comes to cleaning your home's exterior, what better way than with a reliable pressure washing company. However, choosing the right pressure washing company can be tricky. You want to make sure you find someone you can trust, someone you know will take good care of your home.

Each pressure washing company offers different services and varying years of expertise, so it can be very helpful going into the hiring process with an idea of what you are looking for. To help you find that company, we have compiled a list of a few tips that will help you find that perfect match.

1. Licensed Professional

Mistakes happen, but when it comes to your home, you might want to take some extra precautions just in case. When you are searching for a pressure washing company, the first thing you want to ask about is insurance. You never know what could happen, especially dealing with pressurized water around glass and powerlines. So, it is really important to find a company that has insurance that can cover you.

When you start your research for a pressure washing company, check their website or call and speak with a customer service representative about the type of insurance and coverage they offer. If a company does not offer any type of insurance, that should be your first red flag and you should look elsewhere. The last thing you want is for someone to get injured or your home gets damaged and you have no coverage to cover it. Ask lots of questions and read the paperwork carefully before any work starts at your home. The last thing you want is to be liable for an accident on your property that wasn't your fault.


2. The Cheaper Option?

I think it's safe to say most people try to choose the cheapest options when it comes to certain expenses. You may have car payments, loans, maybe even a mortgage you are paying on, and a list of a hundred more items that are at the top of your priority list. So, getting your home power washed may be at the bottom of that list. However, we are here to tell you to not always choose the cheaper option. They are usually the cheaper option for a reason, and you will get what you pay for. Your home is important, and if you choose a cheap company that does mediocre work, you may end up spending more money in the long run.

Lots of companies bid their prices lower to get more business, but then in return, they will have to cut corners to make sure they make a profit off of you. If you are trying to find a cheap option, make sure you do your research to make sure they are a professional company that offers professional work. The cost of service is very important, but make sure you are considering everything else as well.


3. Do Your Research

This may seem a little obvious, but do your research on multiple companies before you choose one. Read reviews and check references to make sure there aren't any red flags you may be missing. If you can't seem to find anything online about the company, that should be your first red flag that they might not be the best company for you. Not having an online presence for a company is a big red flag because that means their reputation cannot be verified.

When you contact a company about pressuring washing your home, they will come out and look at your house and give you a quote. Take your time and get many quotes on your home before making a decision. During this time, make a list of questions to ask each company when they visit. Questions like, their experience, reputation, how long they've been in business, and ask them about a time-frame for your project. These questions will help narrow down your search to the perfect company.

commercial equipment

4. Commercial Grade Supplies

You want to hire a professional company for your power washing needs, so you need to make sure they are using professional supplies and materials. You don't want consumer-grade products being used on your home that could damage the outer layer. If you hire a company that is using equipment or supplies that you can buy in a store like Walmart, then they are probably not a professional power washing company.

Do your research, take notes of the products and equipment they are using, and look up what type of quality it is. If you are going to spend your money, make sure your home will be receiving high-quality service.


Advanced Pressure & Gutter Cleaning

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Since 1991, we have provided quality home services to our neighbors in the greater Metro Atlanta area. We take pride in the consistent excellence of our professional field service teams, project managers, and office staff. From our dedicated and helpful office team to our friendly field support team, we are ready to assist throughout your project. Our drive stems from the commitment to provide an amazing customer experience from project initiation to completion.

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