If you find yourself not applying a protective deck sealing coating to your deck, the exposure to extreme heat and cold can have devastating effects on the surface. This simple clear coat that is applied to your deck can save you money, time, and wood in the future. Also, keeping your deck looking good as new. Don’t get a sealer confused with a stain, however. They both are used to preserve and protect your deck. But, sealing in particular, offers specific benefits to eliminate future damages.
Deck Sealing
Deck sealer does so much for your deck that you probably have never considered. For starters, it locks out moisture which is highly important for avoiding wood rot, fungus, or even mold. Once moisture damages your deck, there really is no going back. The lifespan of your deck will be shortened, meaning you can expect an expensive repair in your near future.
If your deck spends a lot of time in the direct sunlight, even with a sealer, you can expect the wood color to only last about 3-6 months. A sealer does not necessarily fully protect your deck from the sun as it contains minimal UV protection. So, you can expect your color to fade. This is where deck maintenance steps in to help keep your deck fresh and nice.
With lots of sun exposure, on top of the sealer keeping all of the moisture out of the wood, your deck will start to dry out. With a dried out deck comes cracking and splinting. For this situation, it is very important to let an experienced company step in and get your deck back in shape.
In the end, protecting your deck with a sealer is going to be a way cheaper option than building a brand new one.
Decision Time
Before you make a decision with sealing your deck, make sure you have an experienced company like Advanced Pressure come out and look over your deck with a fine-tooth comb. An experienced company will be able to determine if you already have water affecting the wood and if any spots are deteriorating. If you already have water damage, you will need to have that patched up before moving forward. Your safety is a top priority, and if your deck is not taken care of correctly, it could collapse.
Deck Sealing Procedure
Deck sealer may seem like a simple procedure, but don’t be fooled and try to do it yourself. First of all, you have to have almost perfect weather conditions to do it. You will need a dry day with moderate temperatures and hardly any sun. If it’s a hot, sunny day, the sealer will dry too quickly and won’t absorb into the wood.
Deck sealing may seem like a fairly simple process that you can follow yourself. However, it’s typically best to leave this task up to the professionals. You might not be able to determine weak spots in the wood that might prohibit the sealer from working, resulting in more damages down the road.